Podcasting for Beginners

The podcast industry is filled with terms and concepts that can be intimidating, but starting your first podcast doesn't have to be hard. This is a quick introduction to get you up and running with your first show in no time.

Getting started

For your first podcast, you'll want to think about your recording setup. At minimum, you'll need the following things:

You can likely get your show up and running without spending any money on software or equipment beyond your existing computer. And you can get your podcast online with Pinecast's free demo plan before you decide to invest in a paid hosting subscription.

Setting up your computer

First, choose your device you'll be recording your episodes with. There are apps available for phones and tablets, but it's generally recommended to use a laptop or desktop computer: this will make it easier to edit your content quickly and get everything set up just how you'd like it. Any modern laptop will work.

Recording software

You'll want to look into software to record your episode audio. Both macOS and Windows have built-in audio recording applications (Quicktime and Voice Recorder, respectively). Both tools have built-in functionality for trimming audio, but they may be tricky to use if you want to make precise edits.

If you'd like to go beyond the software included with your operating system, consider Audacity. Audacity is free and is used by many popular podcasters, and includes almost any feature you could want. Other options are available, but usually cost money. The benefit to Audacity over an application included with your operating system is the variety of features: it allows you to import and edit multiple audio tracks in a single session, allowing you greater control over the final product.

Other options are available, as well:

Recording equipment

The microphone built-in to your computer or phone is fine, but it can produce lousy sound quality: a high-quality microphone will be placed much closer to your mouth than the microphone on your laptop or computer monitor, helping to reduce the noises and echoes of the room you're in and isolate just your voice.

While a built-in microphone is sufficient to get started, you'll want to look at other options as you grow. We recommend the Samson Q2U, which offers very good sound quality at a reasonable cost. A boom stand is useful and fairly inexpensive, and pairing it with a shock mount can help avoid noise.

Samsung Q2U
An inexpensive microphone that plugs in with USB. It's a good value for good quality sound.

Preparing your space

A good microphone will make sure you capture the best quality sound possible. However, your microphone will also pick up sounds that you might not want recorded, like the hum of an air conditioner, street noise, or even the sound of your voice reflected off of walls or hardwood floors.

To keep noise to a minimum, choose a recording space indoors and away from sources of noise. Prefer spaces with carpeting and soft materials like beds and curtains.

Air conditioning may produce a noticeable hum. However, it may be less noticeable during a long episode than erratic street noise. If you live in a quiet area, keeping a window open for ventilation may be preferable and easier—you might only need to edit out a handful of noises from the outside. If you live in a noisy location, consider recording in a closet or small room.

Make a test recording and play it back with headphones on. Increase the volume until it's at a comfortable level. Pause and unpause the audio over and over: you'll be able to hear the noise as the audio starts and stops.

If you still have background noise, you can hang blankets or other soft materials around your recording space. In a pinch, you can even drape a blanket over yourself or make a pillow fort around and your microphone. For a more professional approach, consider buying sound baffling.

Acoustic Panels
$16.99 for 6
Egg crate-style sound proof foam can be adhered to walls and the ceiling to absorb sound vibrations and minimize room noise and echo. Consider placing it strategically behind your recording setup and on nearby walls.

Developing a concept

Having a plan for your podcast is one of the most important factors for your success. If you start recording without a firm idea of what you want to talk about, what the theme of your episodes will be, or what you'll talk about after the first few episodes, you'll struggle to keep up momentum.

Take some time to think about your idea for a podcast and make a plan. You'll want to consider:

Engaging your audience

Interesting content is just one aspect of a great podcast. Engaging with your audience builds an enthusiastic following of folks who are eager to listen to your next episode and share your show with their friends and family.

There are many ways to engage with your listeners, but they will vary based on the kind of podcast that you're producing.

See our guide for promoting your podcast for more ideas.

Consistency is key

Posting with regularity is the single most impactful habit you can build to keep your show alive and growing. If you start skipping weeks, adjust your schedule to fit your availability. Similarly, try to release your episodes on a consistent day and time. Your listeners will wonder where your latest episode is if it doesn't get posted when it normally gets published.

Consider recording a few episodes in one sitting, then editing and scheduling them to go out in the future. This will give you some breathing room between episodes and give you a long block to concentrate solely on your show (rather than context switching every few days).

It's okay to have a monthly or twice-monthly schedule for your podcast! Even a sparse episode release schedule is better than an erratic one.

Hosting your content

You'll need a podcast hosting service like Pinecast. Choosing a managed service—versus hosting the podcast yourself—reduces complexity and cost in many cases, and allows you to focus on what matters: producing great content. While self-hosting can offer some amount of freedom, it entails extra work, and you often have to deal with both technical and non-technical problems yourself—even if you don't know how.

Pinecast's Starter plan has everything you need to start and grow a podcast. Check out our guide for starting a podcast.

Features to look for

Every hosting service will have slightly different sets of features. Some hosts may charge more for additional features as you progress into more expensive plans.

What's next?

When you're ready to level up your podcasting acumen, check out our guide for power users.

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